Friday, November 21, 2008

Life out in Utah! :)

Hey, it's been a while since I've made a new post and it's about time to do so. I made it safely to Utah, it was a very long and tiring drive and I'm glad to have it over with. And I'm so thankful that Issa was able to come along and help out with the drive, it was very helpful, even though I didn't sleep and was loaded up on energy drinks for the drive. It's nice to be here in Utah and close to family, it just feels like the right place and where I'm supposed to be. Sage, Cole, Gray, and Jade are all growing up so fast and are crazy kids and too cute! I'm glad that I get to see them more and live closer to them. I'm missing my sleeping in, cause at least one of them will come in and get me up, if not all, but once I get my own place, I wont have to worry about that. And I need to go to bed earlier, so hopefully getting woken up early will help me go to bed earlier, not happening yet, but maybe soon it will. I went and looked at an apartment today in Provo and really liked it. It's a private room with a full sized bed, desk, drawers, decent sized closet, it's own bathroom and vanity, shared shower, newer kitchen, stainless steel, balcony, storage, rec room, pool, spa, volleyball court, close to the mall, Walmart, stores, and most of the people that live there are an older group of people, so that's a good thing. Plus I know a few guys that live there and that are really cool and fun to hang out with. It seems like a cool place to live and I'm definitely looking into living there, it feels like a good place to possibly live. I've been keeping busy with applying to many types of jobs from places out on the mall, Provo school district, nanny positions, and just all over and have many other places to apply to. The job market here is so much better than the one in Michigan, and I don't think that I will have a problem finding a job here. And it seems like I wont have a problem finding a place to live either, there's so much out there and I already found a place that I really like. I had this stupid guy some how get my checking account number, log in name, password, pin number for Wells Fargo and pretty much emptied out my account and transferred it to his. I caught it that same night and it was still pending and called up the bank and it took a few days to call up many different places and get a fraud alert out there, change all my info, passwords, open a new checking account, get signed up with a few fraud alert companies, and visit the bank many times, I think that they might all know me there now, hehe, especially this really nice guy that helped out a lot and took care of a lot of things for me too. And today I went in and the money that was taken out was back in my account, so I had to transfer that to my new account and close out the other one. It was not a fun process and I'm still some what paranoid about it and running virus scans every day on my computer and checking out my account many different times a day to make sure everything is fine. Plus they have a watch over my accounts and have the fraud alert out there, so it shouldn't happen again and my stuff should be safe, hopefully so. They think that they got my info from a virus on my computer and maybe that's how it happened, but I think some guy was at the bank sitting right outside the glass office window thing and was watching me sign up and enter my pin number. Cause I never used my pin number online and didn't have it anywhere on my computer and the accounts were all new and the only time I used my pin number was when I was opening up an account. And as I walked out, there was a guy sitting there and I've sat in that same place and I'm sure you can see what's going on through the glass windows, so that's what I think happened, but the banker said that the guy said that some company was going to pay him and some how a virus and freak computer thing happened and transferred the money into his account, which sounds kind of iffy, but enough about that, I got my money back and what's done is done. It's starting to cool off some and get colder, not looking forward to that, I've been liking this sunny and warmer weather and don't want to start driving in the snow and ice, but I guess it's going to happen sooner or later, hopefully later though. Well, it's getting late and I need to head off to bed cause I'm sleepy, but I hope all is going well for everyone and talk to you later. Have a great weekend and take care! Love you guys and have a great Thanksgiving! :)


absurdchess said...

Hi Alli,

Short of the bank fraud fiasco, things are going well for you. Pama and I are both happy you’re closer and back with family. Utah’s strong economy is a boon to finding a job and it will be nice once you get settled into your own place . I’m happy you made the move. Involvement with your young single adults group will be beneficial to you. Also, you have a lot to offer and will surely bring much positive to the group.

Love, Pama and Dad

Amanda Walsh said...

Wow, lots of goings on in your life right now. How fun. I used to hate transition periods in my life, but they always offer new people, new places, new everything. I also always liked the idea of reinventing myself. I remember thinking when I moved to Mississippi that no one had any preconceived notions about me...that I could be whoever I wanted! Kind of a freeing feeling. Anyway- I'm glad you're doing well and that you're happy.